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August 16, 2023

Improved asphalt compaction

Several of the major compaction machine manufacturers are introducing new models for the asphalt segment that utilise the latest technology – Mike Woof reports
Hamm is now offering a versatile rubber tyred roller for asphalt finishing purposes
August 15, 2023

Digital transformation is delivering digital adoption

Digital transformation is key for transportation agencies and their partners to do their jobs better and faster. One way to do this is through digital delivery using digital models, data, and supporting field tools for roadway design, structures design, and construction, say the tech experts at Bentley Systems.
The Great Eastern Highway Bypass will reduce congestion by serving as a critical connector between two major highways in Perth, Australia. The project involves replacing the current signalized intersections with new grade-separated interchanges to better accommodate more than 60,000 motorists daily.
August 15, 2023

E-scooters Banned

The city of love says au revoir to escooters! Paris sets the stage with a bold ban. Now, all eyes turn to the UK - will our cities follow suit?

Are full registration and licensing the next big thing? Or will innovative solutions lead the way? Tune in as Mike Woof signs off, sparking the debate that's steering our streets!

August 15, 2023

The right way in Arizona

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADoT) has selected Teledyne Flir to help stop an increase in accidents and fatalities caused by wrong-way drivers on freeways.
The US state’s new wrong-way detection system is based on Flir's Cameleon ITS and TrafiSense video-analytic thermal cameras
August 14, 2023

Efficiency reported withTrimble

That machine control packages improve working efficiency is understood. A new report from Trimble highlights just how much the boost in efficiency its autosteering package can deliver when used on soil compaction equipment.
Trimble’s sophisticated autosteer package offers significant efficiency gains for users
August 14, 2023

Software and control innovations introduced

Firms are now offering technologies that will boost safety levels around working machines. These can alert operators to the vicinity of personnel to a working machine and even shut down a piece of equipment in the event of someone being in too close a proximity.
Caterpillar’s new safety system can reduce risks for personnel onsite
August 14, 2023

Sitting correctly

The seal of quality from Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V. (AGR) - the German "Campaign for Back Health" confirmed it: the operating concept and cabin design of Bomag’s latest pivot-steered tandem rollers are verifiably backfriendly and recommended by doctors and therapists.
Image credit: Bomag