New Taiwanese road project passing review
An important new Taiwanese road project has passed a key review.
Reality check: Topcon’s Aptix
The biggest challenge facing construction professionals and general contractors is disconnected data and/or siloed data sources. The recently launched Aptix integration platform has broken down these silos, explains Topcon’s Scott Langbein.
Date set to complete D1 Višňové Tunnel section
The D1 section between Lietavská Lúčka and Dubná Skala in Slovakia includes the partially completed 7.5km twin-tube Višňové Tunnel - to be the country's longest.
Electric asphalt compaction option
Several asphalt compactor makers now offer compact machines featuring electric drives
Lower Thames Crossing contract – preferred bidder
The UK’s National Highways has announced that Skanska has been named the preferred bidder for the contract for the Lower Thames Crossing project.
Himoinsa sheds light on emissions
Himoinsa has developed a hybrid lighting tower with a smart control system that considerably reduces emissions, noise and operating costs - the HBOX+ Hybrid.
Turning the construction industry green
Green is good for industry – delivering sustainability can also help reduce costs for construction firms, ensuring better financial performance
Virginia tunnel project seeing advance
Virginia’s massive tunnel project is seeing advance.
Green is good
Going green is proving good business for Volvo CE.
Tasmania bridge project underway
A key Tasmanian bridge project is underway.
Kansas highway upgrade planned
A key Kansas highway upgrade is being planned.
Climate resiliency: beyond design and construction
By Zeev Halber, CEO of AnyWay Solutions
Tough excavator for demolition
Hitachi is now offering special ruggedised excavators aimed at duties in the demolition market.
Italian road infrastructure developments underway
Major Italian road infrastructure developments are underway.
Nigerian road works planned
Nigerian road works are being planned.
UK’s Stonehenge Bypass approved by Government
The UK’s Stonehenge Bypass project has been approved by the Government.
A new highway for northern Colombia
The Pamplona-Cúcuta highway is playing an important role for the development of northern Colombia
New road link planned for Burkina Faso
A new road link is planned for Burkina Faso.
Technology improving safety on Australian roads
New technology is improving safety on Australian roads.
New port links are planned for Italy
New port links are now being planned for Italy.