Flexible, modular systems are featured that meet needs for process automation and sustainability, as well as user-friendliness and economy.
User requirements have been a key focus during the development of these machines according to the firm. For the paving crew, this allows simple machine handling, maximum operating convenience and safety on the job site.
Reduced setup times, improved logistics and greater machine availability are said to deliver ensure fuel economy and reduce material wastage, helping address increasing fuel and materials costs. New automation and control technology provides operator assistance and has been optimised to prevent errors and to increase efficiency and paving quality according to Vӧgele.
Reducing the noise emissions and fuel consumption of Dash 5 pavers while maintaining the same performance helps meet sustainability targets for contractors, while also lowering fuel costs and CO₂ emissions.
The system can actually steer the machine, with the operator only having to select forward or reverse. In dozer operation, high efficiency is claimed as the package can make significant reductions in fuel consumption, while delivering high productivity.
For soil compaction duties the machine will steer accurately into position, ensuring that each pass has an optimum overlap. Using the package also allows an optimum number of passes to be carried out, ensuring target values are met and without risking over compaction.
“Now that the machine guidance and control technology is pretty much standard, we see a lot more adoption,” said John Downey, senior director sales, EMEA at Topcon Europe Positioning.
The company’s systems can show which machine is productive and whether a job a job is on schedule – for example, where all the haul trucks are lined up, or where more excavators are needed. “Now we can see this digitally. This is something we didn’t know in the past,” said Downey.
“Now you can get a report every hour, every day, every week, from every part of a project. Every machine becomes a sensor on site. You can see if someone is getting behind schedule.”
“Now we want to connect all the machines and start bringing the data and get real-time information from the machines, so we can weigh each bucket from the excavator, for example.
“Margins are small these days. Everyone wants to see where their money is going.”
In addition, using the Flyrail rail to set up the Flydeck surface allows the work to become easy and fully safe. With this solution, it is possible to create wraparounds for columns, piles, dosserets and any other element.
The Flydeck surface must be anchored to the back side of the deck, such as roads, highways or railways, without blocking traffic. Also, there are no width, length or capacity limitations since it is a modular system and can be combined with beams and scaffolding steel planks of any brand, model, shape and size.
The system consists of 25cm or 45cm aluminium or steel lattice girders connected by patented pins and spring pins. The girders are installed using the Flydeck rail that guarantees, in addition to high safety, a significant reduction in assembly and disassembly time for each stage. Time savings can by about one-third compared to traditional systems and about one-half compared to multi-directional scaffolding systems.
The Flydeck system can be assembled by accessing it from an abutment or a column without using the by-bridge or negative surface platforms. This solution greatly reduces the assembly and disassembly time of suspended structures by halving their cost and greatly reduces costs in case of rental, halving the storage overall dimensions and costs for handling and transportation.
In addition, 25cm aluminium or steel girders offer more maneuverability than the 45cm ones. Joining the beams is very fast and safe thanks to spring pins that simplify assembly/disassembly and ensure perfect co-planarity of the work surface.
The K50L pump is a versatile, heavy-duty machine and suits duties on large construction sites, while being tough and easy to maintain. The K56L is available with a choice of pumping units to suit customer needs.
A key feature is the electronic management system, called Smartronic. This is said to make operations safe and easy and offers smart management of the various functions. The Steeltech K50L has a boom that features the firm’s proven RZ configuration, allowing high vertical extension without complex placing operations. The new upperstructure and external piping is said to make maintenance easier, as well as being more compact.
The CIFA Vista telemetry system is available as an option and allows users to manage and monitor the equipment fleet. The system can be used to manage maintenance intervals, store performance parameters and report any fault or error message.
The X-type stabiliser system has been simplified and improved. The chassis of the K50L is said to offer easy access for maintenance and the structure is said to provide good weight distribution, meeting axle load requirements.
While reclaimed asphalt can be added to the production process with reliable cold and hot recycling technologies, this does can result in higher emissions of total carbon (Ctot, volatile organic compounds (VOC)). When reclaimed asphalt is heated, part of the Ctot concentrations evaporate from the bitumen contained in the recycling material. These have a higher greenhouse potential than CO2 and are hazardous to health in higher concentrations.
The REVOC system is a solution for reducing emissions from asphalt production by making the existing mixing plants more efficient. The option of adding up to 60% recycling material can reduce emissions to comply with legal limits. At the same time, the higher recycling content also increases cost effectiveness of existing plants.
The REVOC system extracts the emissions where they are generated, primarily from the mixer. The generated vapours have increased Ctot concentrations and are moved to the REVOC system for thermal processing. This step uses the energy generated for drying and heating the virgin mineral and is therefore extremely energy-efficient. Most importantly, however, the technology can reduce Ctot emissions by up to 50%.
Several electrically driven equipment items are being introduced, which have been designed to be completely carbon-neutral. Alongside the core area of Bauer drilling rigs, duty-cycle cranes from the MC series and diaphragm wall equipment, the group is also introducing devices and equipment from subsidiaries Klemm, RTG and Bauer MAT.
Among the new developments, Bauer is launching its eBG 33, which operates CO2-free, courtesy of its large electric drive. Apart from standard drilling methods, high-performance methods, such as soil mixing and double-head drilling methods, are possible as well as being able to be used with a trench cutter. Bauer is presenting the next generation of electric drilling rigs in the top torque class.
One of the most important innovations is RTG’s RG 19 T, which the company claims as a world first in the telescoping leader segment and comes in a hybrid version combining a diesel engine and an additional electric drive, which considerably reduces its CO2 and noise emissions. All RTG models on the BS55RS and BS65RS base carrier can be offered with this hybrid technology in future.