Importance of continued transportation investment
The US infrastructure network requires urgent attention - * T Peter Ruane. America's transportation infrastructure was once the "shining light on top of the hill." Major investments in a national highway, bridge, transit, airport, port and waterway system during the 20th century paid great dividends. The free and efficient flow of goods and people across the 50 states led to unparalleled economic expansion. The mobility and prosperity resulting from an interconnected infrastructure was a model for the world

Faster road repairs
UK firm Instarmac is aiming to expand its customer base for its innovative pothole patching systems. The firm now offers a broad range of repair products to suit asphalt and concrete road surfaces. These can be used to repair general pavement problems such as potholes or for repairing the areas around manhole covers and drains. The proven Instant Road Repair product is now said to offer better workability. This cold lay asphalt concrete product is approved in the UK for first time permanent repairs in class

Azerbaijan loan for Belgrade-South Adriatic motorway
The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Alijev, has reportedly approved an agreement that will see Serbia receive US$407.75million for the construction of a section of the Belgrade to South Adriatic motorway.
The loan for the motorway section between Ljig and Preljina will be repayable over a 15 year period, with a grace period of three years and a fixed interest rate of 4%. The construction project, which will include five tunnels and over 60 bridges, will be carried out by the Azerbaijan-based company Azvirt
A new highway will connect Beijing with Taipei
The authorities in China have revealed that construction of the Fuzhou section of the new Beijing-Taipei highway will commence by late May 2012. The two-way four-lane expressway will have a design speed of 100km/h. The 53km Fuzhou section is expected to cost some US$1.04 billion to construct. This section of highway will take four years to complete.
The tunnel connecting Denmark and Germany will now be delayed
The company handling the Fehmarnbelt tunnel project that will connect Denmark and Germany has confirmed that the project will now be delayed. Femern has now revealed that construction will not start before summer 2015, a year later than originally planned. Denmark is expected to commence its environmental compatibility study in May 2013.
Road safety gains were not as marked in 2011 as in 2010 according to the new IRTAD report
The International Transport Forum has released its IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report 2011, which reveals road safety improvements were not as marked in 2011 as 2010.

South Africa's world class tollway development
Part of an extensive motorway network measuring some 185km, the ongoing Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GIFP) is creating a modern, world-class toll route system that provides major impetus to socio-economic growth in South Africa's most populous and commercially active region.

Advanced grouting system meets specification
As engineers write tighter and tighter specifications for grouting, so equipment manufacturers must develop solutions which can help contractors meet those specifications, and prove that they have met them Atlas Copco's new mobile grouting system, Unigrout Smart A, has been designed to do just that: it can mix, pump, monitor, log and control flow and pressure precisely. The control system allows on site mixing of a range of grouts as required by the project.

Vast majority of Americans oppose raising gas tax
A majority of Americans believe new transportation projects should be paid for with user-fees instead of tax increases, according to a new national Reason-Rupe poll of 1,200 adults on cell phones and land lines.
US funds for road rebuilding
Some $1.6 billion in funding is being provided from US federal funds to states and territories across the nation to cover the costs of repairing roads and bridges damaged by natural disasters. Funding from the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Emergency Relief Programme was provided by the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2012.
DavyMarkham acquired
UK engineering firm DavyMarkham is now owned by Indian company, Hindustan Dorr Oliver (HDO). The Indian firm is a subsidiary of IVRCL Infrastructures & Projects and this acquisition provides HDO with an entry into the heavy engineering market.
Volvo CE's new CEO
Swedish-based Volvo Construction Equipment has appointed Pat Olney as its new president and CEO, effective from 1 May.
STRABAG wins tricky Polish project
Austrian construction firm STRABAG has won a major road contract from Poland’s General Directorate for National Roads and Highways (GDDKiA). The deal is for the construction of a 40km section of the S8 Expressway between Walichnowy and Sieradz Poùudnie, some 240km to the south west of capital Warsaw.
State of the art tunnel a conservation triumph
The opening of a 1.8km tunnel in southern England is designed to ease traffic bottlenecks in an environmentally sensitive area. Patrick Smith reports

Haulotte Group sales up 13% in 2011 Q4
Haulotte Group (HG) increased its Q4 2011 sales by 13%, compared to the same period of 2010. The rise took consolidated October 1 to December 31 2011 sales to US$107.1million (€82.2 million) compared with $94.5million (€72.5million) in the same three months of last year.
Israel interchange
A new US$350 million road project by the Israel National Roads Company will boost connectivity from the north to the centre of the country. The project is seeing the opening of new interchanges and roads in western Galilee. The aim of the project was to double the traffic capacity on Road 77, the Hamovil and Somech junctions and road No 79 that connects them.

Russian road plans
Plans are in hand for major upgrades to Russia’s road network. Russian Highways (Avtodor) aims to construct 958km of roads, as well as to reconstruct 963km of road and improve 700km of road bed by 2019.
The 684km M11 highway linking Moscow with St Petersburg is the top-priority. A 72km bypass road will be built in the Tver region.
Volvo CE new China comms vice president
Inge Zhou has been appointed as vice president of corporate communications for Volvo Construction Equipment newly formed China sales region. In her new role, Zhou will be based in Volvo CE's Shanghai office and report to regional president Laurence Luo. She will be responsible for all corporate communication activities within the region, as well as being a member of the China management team.
Serbia upgrading infrastructure
Serbia has managed to reduce the cost of building the Corridor 10 highway by €80 million. These funds will instead be used to pay for upgrades and improvements needed for the second section of the highway project, close to Neradovci. So far some 180km of the Corridor 10 highway has been built over a 40 month time frame. A further 150km of the highway has still to be built. Work on the Corridor 10 motorway is also being financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the state budget. Wh
Norway's bridge meets tough environmental targets
One of the world's longest bridges is being built in Norway – for traffic volumes of just 2,000 cars/day reports Adrian Greeman. The stunning landscape of the long sea fjords in Norway is one of its glories, attracting thousands of tourists every summer. But the high mountains and deep sea inlets are also one of the great obstacles to transport and development.