A new14km elevated expressway is being proposed for India’s traffic choked capital, Delhi. The new route would also include a tunnel stretch and help improve transport to and from the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA). The possible cost of the work has yet to be revealed.
The project is being managed by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI). The plans call for a new route connecting INA and Nelson Mandela Marg in Vasant Kunj. This link would help to reduce traffic levels on Delhi’s busy Ring Road. The route would pass through a recently redeveloped area of the city.
Funding for the work is expected to be provided by the Indian Government. Approval for the project was given as far back as 2021 by the Unified Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure (Planning and Engineering) Centre (UTTIPEC). The project stalled however due to a number of complications. The work is desperately needed as Delhi's traffic congestion at peak periods is well known.