India plans multi-billion $ road expansion programme

Future of machine control: collaborative innovation, AI, and connected ecosystems
Join Guy Woodford in the Third World Highways Roundtable on Connected Construction as industry leaders explore the future landscape of machine control technologies. Uncover insights from top suppliers like Hexagon and Trimble on the pivotal role of collaboration, the integration of AI, and the importance of connected ecosystems for driving innovation in construction. Discover the bid-to-build process, initiatives to empower small contractors, and the transformative potential of AI in enhancing efficiency and resource optimisation.
Ireland releases National Cycle Network plan

Autonomous soil compactor used in Canada

US$195 million Tunisian highway deal for Chinese contractor

Bridge lift contract awarded for Georgia State

Safer roads are planned for the UAE

Electric compaction from Hamm on test

IRF Global R2T conference & exhibition – roads to tomorrow

Gordie Howe Bridge opening date set

UK to cut down on “disruptive roadworks”

Work underway for Brazil’s Santos-Guarujá Tunnel

India’s US$2.2 billion Mumbai Trans Harbour Link opens

Road Widener makes curbside backfilling easy

US$143 million funding provided for roads in Ladakh, India

Construction underway for new tolled highway in Guatemala

Cummins expanding North Carolina factory

LA’s Ribbon of Light viaduct cast into darkness

Break into machine guidance without breaking the bank
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You don’t get the name “The Dirt Ninja” without a serious obsession with all things heavy equipment and the technologies empowering what’s next for civil construction. For over a decade, Tom Gardocki, co-owner of New Era Excavation, has commanded hundreds of thousands of views on his YouTube channel—with a description that reads, "Anyone can run equipment, very few can operate.” Well said.