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November 18, 2019

New road project for Jerusalem in Israel

A major new road construction project is being planned for the historic city of Jerusalem in Israel. The project is intended to cut chronic congestion that occurs at one of the approaches to the city at peak periods. The work will see the new Highway 16 being built at a cost of US$275.6 million. The new route will connect Route 1 with Givat Shaul and will feature three interchanges at Motza, Nahal Revida and Bait Junction. The stretch of road will include two tunnel sections and is expected to open to traff
November 18, 2019

Colombia’s road development programme delivers

Colombia’s road development programme has delivered a major extension to the country’s overall network during 2019. The country’s national road institute, (Invias), says that 65 projects have been delivered to date during 2019. In all Invias has spent more than US$989 million on road projects and upgraded 1,336km of roads and built 70km of new roads during 2019. A further 13 road links have been designed during 2019.
November 18, 2019

New Serbian bridge project being proposed

A new bridge project is being planned for Serbia. The structure will span the Zapadna Morava River. The expected cost of the work has not so far been disclosed. Building the bridge will however improve access for construction work on the Prejina to Pozega highway.
November 18, 2019

Netherlands speed reduction for highways

The Dutch Government has announced plans to reduce the speed limits on its highways during daytime. The limits will be lowered from 130km/h at present to 100km/h, as part of a plan to improve road safety. Although the Netherlands has a very good record on road safety overall, there was an increase in road deaths in 2018. This is a cause for concern as road deaths in 2018 were the highest for 10 years. The Dutch Government has cut down on enforcement of road traffic laws, which is thought to be one factor in
November 18, 2019

Peru highway plan

Discussions are being held in Peru over the alternative route for the Carretera Central highway. The proposed alternative route is expected to cost in excess of US$3.3 billion in all. The proposed route is the focus of discussions by the Ministry of Transport and the Regional Government of Junin. The high cost of this alternative route is one of the issues for the talks.
November 18, 2019

Connecticut contract for WSP

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) and the city of Hartford are working with WSP to develop the Capital Gateway Concept Plan.
November 18, 2019

New Peruvian road tunnel project planned

In Peru plans are being drawn up for a new road tunnel. The aim of the project is to link Chaclacayo with Huarochiri. The tunnel will run between the Ricardo Palma Bridge and the Los Angeles Bridge. The aim of the project is to reduce traffic volumes and congestion on the Carretera Central road. The cost of the new tunnel has yet to be revealed. Improvement work is also being planned for a 19km stretch of road between the Los Angeles Bridge and Avenida Las Torres.
November 18, 2019

Australia’s need for better road safety

Australia needs to improve its road safety significantly, according to the Australian Automobile Association (AAA). Despite plans to reduce the road casualty rate from the Australian Government, safety targets have not been achieved. A new report from the AAA has revealed the shortcomings of the safety strategy previously set out by the Australian Government. In 2011 the National Road Safety Strategy was set to lower road deaths and serious injuries by 30% by 2020. However the targets on improving road sa
November 18, 2019

A winter wonderland for Vaisala’s MD30 sensor

Accurately measuring road network conditions in real time requires rugged and durable mobile sensor technology, writes Rose Parisi* Monitoring road conditions is critical to performing efficient and effective maintenance that reduces risks posed by hazardous driving conditions. This is most critical during winter. Road weather information systems (RWIS) help support road maintenance decision-making through the measurement of atmosphere and pavement conditions. However, due to the static location and
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November 15, 2019

VIDEO: Yeti ploughs ahead

Yeti Snow Technology, a developer of autonomous snow clearance systems for airports, will scale back pilot projects this winter and focus on software development.