India pushes ahead with highway upgrades
Two major highway projects are now going ahead in India. A contract worth some US$383 million is now being carried out by Era Infra Engineering Limited (EIEL) through its partnership with OJSC-SIBMOST in Uttar Pradesh.
Two deals for Vietnam highway
Work to upgrade the Hanoi-Thai Nguyen section of Vietnam's Highway 3 will now be split into two sub-projects.
EU project looks at highway parking areas
Under the EU-funded LABEL project there will be an analysis of secure trucking stops. The European Union Road Federation (ERF) - International Road Federation (IRF), Brussels Programme Centre, looks at what it can achieve
Whenever we have to travel long distances by car we are faced with the prospect of having to stop in order to refuel our vehicle and to rest a bit. As a consequence motorways can boast the presence of a high number of service stations, usually spread out at 20 to 30km intervals, ready to

Effective signage and road markings boost road safety
Effective signage and the use of roadmarkings in the most effective manner can reduce risks for all road users - Mike Woof writes

Zimbabwe's road plan
Zimbabwe looks set to receive a US$1.3 billion loan from the Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA).
Cambodia's road repair action plan
A newly planned project aims to address road maintenance issues in Cambodia.
Skid resistant retexturing reduces accidents
Following a programme of road surface retexturing at five sites to improve skidresistance, Aberdeenshire Council in Scotland has seen a 100% reduction in crashes and loss of control incidents since the treatment. Retexturing specialist Klaruw carried out the work, totalling around 18,000m², using its KlaruwTex190 (K190) all-weather, controlled bush

Israel tender deal
The Israel National Roads Company has awarded a tender to The Mordechai Binyamin for the construction of the Golani interchange.
Weigh-in-motion key to maximising road life
The market and technology for weigh-in-motion systems continues to evolve – Mike Woof writes. for both mature and developing highway infrastructure networks, traffic densities play an important role in determining road wear and life. Monitoring traffic volumes and individual vehicle weight is crucial for ensuring roads can cope in the long term and that maintenance can be planned, while the problem of overloading can be eliminated.

Road widening means bridge demolition
Two heavy Atlas Copco hydraulic breakers have been used to demolish a bridge on the A40 autobahn at Junction 28 in Gelsenkirchen-Süd, Germany. The bridge was used to carry the four lanes of the A40 over the B277 main road. As the key route in the Ruhr district, the A40 is being widened to incorporate six lanes, so the old bridge needed to be demolished.

Controlled stop with water-filled barrier system
Road traffic accidents are expensive and often frightening, and now most drivers will have encountered an average 80km/hr speed limit on a fast moving road.

Philippines pushes planned PPP programme
A number of key infrastructure projects will be carried out in the Philippines under the PPP model.
Greek plan
The Greek highway sector looks set to receive much-needed external funding from the EU for key project studies.
PPP key to Spanish project funding
The regional authorities in the Spanish Andalucia region are looking to the PPP model to develop infrastructure projects.
Border crossing boost for Chile and Argentina
The authorities in Chile and Argentina are discussing upgrades that can be made to several border crossings between the two countries.
Innovative vehicle test track
Lafarge Contracting is helping build a sophisticated test track for future vehicles. Prototype vehicles are now being driven today on the new test track built by Lafarge. The pioneering cityscape circuit replicates the road network of an urban environment but is equipped with sophisticated telemetry, communications, monitoring and vehiclecontrol technologies.

Siemens extends traffic control in China
Two Siemens PC SCOOT systems have recently been installed in the Chinese cities of Nanjing and Wuhan, and more equipment has been supplied to Chengdu and Dalian.
Czech Government counts infrastructure cost
The authorities in the Czech Republic are counting the cost of bungled planning for a series of infrastructure projects, including a number of road, tunnel and bridge connections.
Innovative low power consumption LED lighting
Philips has worked in partnership with Gloucestershire Highways to introduce an innovative LED lighting system along the A40 London Road in Cheltenham, leading down to the racecourse.Philips developed the new lighting system in conjunction with Gloucester Highways, providing a solution that would improve road visibility and safety, while reducing energy consumption and maintenance costs. Philips' lighting scheme also worked to the existing spacing pattern in order to reduce installation costs and minimise d

Intermat key event for new construction technology
Key product innovations will be unveiled at Intermat. As one of the world's largest off-highway equipment exhibitions, the Intermat Show in Paris is a key event for new technology introductions for the construction industry. Major manufacturers will unveil a range of new technologies to the industry, as well as highlighting the benefits of their proven equipment designs.