CS Communication & Systèmes has announced the inauguration of the first Fast ETC lanes which the company developed on the A5 Expressway (Ruta Del Maipo) that links Puerto Montt in South Chile with Santiago Del Chile.
Peek, the Imtech Traffic & Infra mobility specialist, has won a contract to provide a new generation of technology for 365 road junctions in Copenhagen as part of a programme aimed at making the Danish capital the first in the world to be completely CO2 neutral by 2025.
TomTom has announced a partnership with Delcan Corporation in which historical traffic data will be used for the Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP 2), which is managed by the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies.
Spain’s capital city, Madrid, has awarded Telvent GIT a contract to manage, operate and maintain two of the three most important zones of the capital's traffic light network, involving over 1,600 traffic-light intersections.