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Storm on the Wx Horizon

Vaisala’s Wx Horizon alerts authorities of storms to better plan winter salting and plowing.
By David Arminas November 20, 2020 Read time: 1 min
Pass the salt, please: Wx Horizon helps prioritise treatments (photo David Arminas/World Highways – Edmonton, Canada)

Vaisala Digital has launched Wx Horizon, what it claims is the first digital service offering to manage the impact of winter weather upon ground transportation.

Wx Horizon aggregates, analyses and visualises real-time road data from mobile sensors, Internet of Things sensors, road weather information systems and environmental sensor stations using a secure, cloud-hosted interface. In this way, it provides municipalities and state departments of transportation with a clear picture of the road state so decision-makers can take immediate action to ensure safety on their roadways.

“By knowing when the storm will occur and the form it will take, agencies can better optimise resources to respond to that event,” said Markus Melin, vice president of Vaisala Digital

After analysing current and forecasted conditions, Wx Horizon helps managers prioritise treatments, optimise salt and liquid usage and plan equipment resources efficiently to combat the impact of winter weather on roadways.

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