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Norway’s Nye Veier will tender 23km of motorway

Norwegian state-owned road developer Nye Veier has announced the tendering of a 23km four-lane motorway between Roterud and Storhove along Lake Mjøsa. Mjøsa, Norway's largest lake as well as one of the deepest in all Europe is located in the southern part of the country and about 100km north of the capital Oslo. It is around 117km long and at its widest is 15km. More than 4km of the €388 million project will be a tunnel. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2021. The stretch of road is as part of
May 7, 2019 Read time: 2 mins

Norwegian state-owned road developer Nye Veier has announced the tendering of a 23km four-lane motorway between Roterud and Storhove along Lake Mjøsa.

Mjøsa, Norway's largest lake as well as one of the deepest in all Europe is located in the southern part of the country and about 100km north of the capital Oslo. It is around 117km long and at its widest is 15km.

More than 4km of the €388 million project will be a tunnel.

Construction is scheduled to begin in 2021. The stretch of road is as part of a 44km motorway between Moelv and Øyer.

Nye Veier AS is a Norwegian state-owned company set up in May 2015 to take over the responsibility for development and operation of certain motorways from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. It acts as a client to the Public Roads Administration.

Nye Veier is developing Europavei 39 between Kristiansand and Ålgård, Europavei 18 and Europavei 6 in Trøndelag and Mjøsregionen.
