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Brazil’s landmark bridge project planned

The tender process is being planned for a major bridge project in Brazil.
September 20, 2019 Read time: 1 min

The tender process is being planned for a major bridge project in Brazil. The bridge will connect Salvador with Ilha de Itaparica, crossing the Todos-os-Santos bay (bay of All Saints). The new link will measures 12.4km long and the project has an estimated cost of US$1.39 billion. The tendering will open by November 2019 and the winner will be awarded a 35-year concession package. Brazilian and international firms are expected to place bids, with the scale of the project meaning that consortia are likely to be established for the work. Building the structure is expected to take five to six years and the project is intended to boost the local economy, although there has been criticism over the plans as this will swallow up much of the infrastructure budget for the region over the foreseeable future. Toll rates for drivers are likely to be similar to the charges for the ferries serving the route at present.

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