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Versatile test boreholing rig from Central Alliance

A new modular rig from Central Alliance is said to opens access to areas that would otherwise be difficult to reach with conventional equipment. The firm says it has designed and built an innovative modular rig for use on difficult access areas. The modular rig was constructed in-house by Central Alliance’s development department, and can complete all the operations possible with a tracked rig including Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) and Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) at 1m intervals, U38, U70, U100 and U
May 22, 2018 Read time: 2 mins
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The versatile borehole test rig from central Alliance can be used in difficult to access areas
A new modular rig from Central Alliance is said to opens access to areas that would otherwise be difficult to reach with conventional equipment. The firm says it has designed and built an innovative modular rig for use on difficult access areas.

The modular rig was constructed in-house by 8653 Central Alliance’s development department, and can complete all the operations possible with a tracked rig including Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) and Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) at 1m intervals, U38, U70, U100 and U100T sampling, dynamic sampling, dynamic probing (DPSH and DPH) and simultaneous casing of boreholes.

The rig is powered by a portable hydraulic power pack, which can be operated approximately 10m away from the rig, and with a mast height of just 2.1m, it is suitable for working below OHLE structures as well as requiring a base area of just 1.5m by 1m.

The firm says that the modular rig has been used already on a number of projects with many more scheduled. The unit’s versatility is said to open up new geotechnical opportunities especially on limited headroom sites, under bridges or on embankments and cuttings for roads. Meanwhile its compact size and construction also allows the unit to be used inside buildings or tunnels.

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