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TISPOL European police road safety conference highlights on video

October 7, 2014
The Pan-European police body 4753 TISPOL held a conference on road safety in the UK last week. This video shows some of the highlights. The line-up of speakers delivered presentations on topics ranging from rapid extrication of road collision casualties through to eyesight tests for seniors, and from smart tachographs to driver distractions.

Siobhan O'Brien provided a sober reminder as to why we had gathered in Manchester. Injured for life following a collision in 2001, Siobhan spoke at the start of the Conference.  "I’m now in a wheelchair because the right hand side of my body is severely compromised. I find it difficult to sustain concentration," she told the audience.

"My speech is affected. I become frustrated. Judgemental reasoning is affected. None of this is easy to admit to, but I know it’s common among people who have acquired a brain injury."

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