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TRA competitions announced

Two TRA Visions Competitions are being launched to attract interest from transport researchers. TRA Visions 2018 invites young and senior researchers from all over Europe to submit innovative transport concepts to, which was launched last 20th December 2016. The two European-funded TRA Visions 2018 competitions - one for young researchers and the second for senior researchers - have now commenced. Young and senior researchers throughout Europe are invited to submit innovative concepts on f
January 20, 2017 Read time: 4 mins
Two 345 TRA Visions Competitions are being launched to attract interest from transport researchers. TRA Visions 2018 invites young and senior researchers from all over Europe to submit innovative transport concepts to, which was launched last 20th December 2016. The two European-funded TRA Visions 2018 competitions - one for young researchers and the second for senior researchers - have now commenced. Young and senior researchers throughout Europe are invited to submit innovative concepts on future transport matters to boost efficient and sustainable transport and mobility of people and goods. More people and goods are moving around the world in constantly shorter timeframes. This makes innovative transport solutions an important necessity. What could future transport look like? How can existing infrastructure cope with the rising strain, be it road, rail, waterborne or cross-modal transport systems? Which are efficient and sustainable solutions to the arising questions on mobility issues? The European project TRA Visions 2018 invites young and senior researchers from all over Europe to enter their ideas of all kind concerning these and other questions to the competitions. For the young researcher competition the deadline for a first short abstract is 30th June 2017. Following this, participants are requested to develop and submit their full idea by 30th October 2017 where they need to provide a report, a short presentation and a project poster accompanied by an optional short video.

Senior researchers can enter their competition either by submission of a technical paper/abstract to the TRA 2018 conference website ( or by direct submission of a recently published technical paper to the TRA Visions 2018 website ( To be eligible, a paper must be technical in nature and relate to EU-funded transport research. The submission phase will be followed by an Evaluation of Ideas period during which a judging panel comprising experts from universities, research institutes and industry will determine which are the top three ideas per transport mode (road, rail, waterborne and cross-modality).

The final winners of the competitions will be announced during a prestigious award ceremony at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference 2018 in Vienna on 16-19th April 2018. The concepts must be submitted under one of the TRA2018 Conference topics, which cover the general areas of:

1. Environment and Energy Efficiency

2. Vehicles & Vessels – Design, Development and Production

3. Advanced Propulsion Systems

4. Smart Urban Mobility & Logistics

5. People Mobility – Systems and Services

6. Freight Transport and Logistics

7. Transport Infrastructure

8. Connected and Automated Transport

9. Digital Technologies for Transport

10. Safe, Secure and Resilient Transport Systems

11. Human Dimension in Transport

12. Socio-Economics, Innovation and Policy

TRA Visions is an initiative funded by the European Commission and takes place every two years. It awards a prize for innovative concepts for transport solutions to both young researchers and senior ones in European-funded projects throughout Europe. The project consortium members responsible for organising the competition are: the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) of RWTH Aachen University; the Foundation WEGEMT - A European Association of Universities in Marine Technology and Related Sciences (WEGEMT); BALance Technology Consulting GmbH; Politecnico di Torino (POLITO); Newcastle University (UNEW); FEHRL; the Austria Institute of Technology (AIT) and University College London (UCL).

The award ceremony takes place during the TRA conference, which is held every two years and aims at getting science, research and industry closer together and pointing out challenges and opportunities they can efficiently face together in order to create an efficient and sustainable mobility of people and goods. Find more information online: A series of pictures from the 2016 TRA VISIONS Award ceremony can be accessed from the TRA Visions Facebook page. See also the Linked In group and Twitter feed.


TRA VISIONS Project Coordinator

Mr George Smyrnakis,
Secretary General
%$Linker: 2 Email <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary /> 0 0 0 oLinkEmail [email protected] email [email protected] false mailto:[email protected] true false%>
Tel: +30 697 1730 802

Communication Officer
Mrs. Catherine Birkner,
%$Linker: 2 Email <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary /> 0 0 0 oLinkEmail [email protected] email [email protected] false mailto:[email protected] true false%>
Tel: +32 2 775 82 44

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