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Golden moment at INTERMAT ribbon cutting ceremony

Monsieur Bernard Accoyer, the president of the French National Assembly, officially opened INTERMAT 2012 with a traditional ribbon cutting ceremony. Equipped with gold-plated scissors, M Accoyer paused for the media before slicing through the tricolour ribbon on his way to an extensive 90-minute tour of the show’s exhibition halls, to savour all that the construction industry has to offer.
April 17, 2012 Read time: 1 min
Bernard Accoyer French National Assembly cutting the ribbon
Monsieur Bernard Accoyer, the president of the French National Assembly, officially opened 242 INTERMAT 2012 with a traditional ribbon cutting ceremony. Equipped with gold-plated scissors, M Accoyer paused for the media before slicing through the tricolour ribbon on his way to an extensive 90-minute tour of the show’s exhibition halls, to savour all that the construction industry has to offer.

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