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Don't miss the Intelligent Infrastructure Award at Highways UK

The deadline is fast approaching to submit a product for consideration in the Intelligent Infrastructure Hub at the Highways UK event in November. Highways UK is for people and organisations involved in - and passionate about - the planning, development, management and maintenance of the UK's roads. Last year the event, held in London, attracted 1,500 delegates. This year’s event from 16-17 November at the NEC in Birmingham is expected to have 2,500 attendees. An important part of Highways UK's remit
August 10, 2016 Read time: 2 mins
Mersey Gateway
The Mersey Gateway: innovation is a key for intelligent infrastructure
The deadline is fast approaching to submit a product for consideration in the Intelligent Infrastructure Hub at the 8269 Highways UK event in November.

Highways UK is for people and organisations involved in - and passionate about - the planning, development, management and maintenance of the UK's roads. Last year the event, held in London, attracted 1,500 delegates. This year’s event from 16-17 November at the NEC in Birmingham is expected to have 2,500 attendees.
An important part of Highways UK's remit is to showcase innovations and technologies that boost the environmental, safety and economic benefits of Britain’s road network.
The Intelligent Infrastructure Hub will be 120m2 of space dedicated to intelligent infrastructure and associated transport technologies. It aims to be a genuinely innovative and appealing environment that will attract substantial visitor numbers and strong press interest.
There is no cost attached for demonstrating a product within the Hub. To be considered for this exciting initiative, please e-mail a maximum 300-word description of your product. The description should focus on the “what, why and how” of the product. It should highlight the benefits, particularly for road users. Photos, links and video, if appropriate, should be sent to [email protected] by 26 August.
Highways UK delegates will vote for the most effective innovation and the winner will receive the Highways UK Intelligent Infrastructure Award.

More information on the event from 16-17 November at the NEC in Birmingham is available on the website for %$Linker: 2 External <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary /> 0 0 0 oLinkExternal Highways UK Visit Highways UK false false false%>.

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