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Brunei sees increased road deaths

Road crashes in Brunei caused more deaths in 2015 compared with 2014. The data from Brunei's Fire and Rescue Department shows that from January to November 2015, there were 15 road deaths compared with 10 fatalities from road crashes in 2014. In the period under review, the department obtained 76 calls to assist in lifting drivers and passengers trapped in ruined vehicles as opposed to 92 calls obtained in the preceding year. Serious injuries, however, dropped year-on-year from 92 to 65 in the 11 reporting
January 4, 2016 Read time: 2 mins
Road crashes in Brunei caused more deaths in 2015 compared with 2014. The data from Brunei's Fire and Rescue Department shows that from January to November 2015, there were 15 road deaths compared with 10 fatalities from road crashes in 2014. In the period under review, the department obtained 76 calls to assist in lifting drivers and passengers trapped in ruined vehicles as opposed to 92 calls obtained in the preceding year. Serious injuries, however, dropped year-on-year from 92 to 65 in the 11 reporting months of 2015.

Driver behaviour caused 85% to 95% of road crashes in the period under review, while vehicle defects and road environment contributed to 45% and 34% respectively. The Centre for Transport Research (CfTR), Institut Teknologi Brunei conjured the said data. Speeding, overtaking in a dangerous manner, tailgating, moving lanes without indication or consideration, driving under influence of alcohol and drugs, using mobile phone while driving, ignoring traffic light and careless driving are among the common causes of road accidents in Brunei, according to the Land Transport Department's Smart and Safe Driving Book.

The data also reveals that there were a total of 11,416 traffic offences were seen in Brunei, a drop from the 15,159 cases listed in 2014. There were 1,082 cases of illegal parking and 573 cases of illegal U-turn. With a total of 3,567 recorded incidents in 2015, speeding was the most common road traffic offence.
