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Beijing’s BICES 2013 exhibition gets ready for record exhibitors and visitors

The 12th Beijing International Construction Machinery Exhibition & Seminar (BICES 2013) is set to have a record 1,500 exhibitors covering an area of 230,000m2. Numbers of both domestic and international visitors are also expected to grow. Overall, BICES 2013 expects to attract more than 130,000 visitors. The organisers of BICES 2013 were at bauma to promote this October’s event and give an update about the plans. BICES will be held at the Beijing Jiuhua International Exhibition Centre from 15-18 October 201
January 6, 2017 Read time: 3 mins
BICES 2013
BICES 2013
The 12th Beijing International Construction Machinery Exhibition & Seminar (2730 BICES 2013) is set to have a record 1,500 exhibitors covering an area of 230,000m2.

Numbers of both domestic and international visitors are also expected to grow. Overall, BICES 2013 expects to attract more than 130,000 visitors.

The organisers of BICES 2013 were at bauma to promote this October’s event and give an update about the plans.

BICES will be held at the Beijing Jiuhua International Exhibition Centre from 15-18 October 2013. Plans that have been developed for BICES include aspects such as transport, hotels, catering and on-site services to ensure everything goes smoothly for visitors and exhibitors alike.

China Construction Machinery Company president Huang Xiaomin gave the latest information about the plans and bookings. Application numbers from both old and new exhibitors are 1.3 times higher than for the previous exhibition at the same time, giving the organisers confidence in their predictions. Overseas companies account for 20% of the applications to date and there will be overseas exhibitors pavilions for companies from the UK, Korea, Germany, Italy and the USA.

The 1100 Association of Equipment Manufacturers, which represents 850 companies, is the US partner of BICES and has had a Beijing office for 16 years. Its president, Dennis Slater, spoke in support of the event and said that China is a key market for US equipment manufacturers.

2735 China Construction Machinery Association secretary general Su Zimeng gave a comprehensive analysis of the Chinese equipment market. “We see more opportunities than challenges so we are very confident and think that 2013 will enjoy a 13% increase in revenue,” he said.

The European and Asian markets will be gloomy, he added, but the Chinese domestic market will see slight recovery.

He explained that BICES is held in alternate years to 5930 Bauma China, which takes place in Shanghai. Beijing is home to government departments and many associations, as well as being a major market area. Holding a major exhibition there reaches people in the north of China as well as other countries.

Many parts of China have a government investment objective of a 20% increase in investment. This is expected to be reflected in 5% rise in visitors from these areas. Research for BICES 2011 showed that more than 26% of visitors were decision-makers and almost 40% were managers.

Events running concurrently with BICES 2013 include the China International Commercial Vehicle Exhibition (IVEX 2013) and the China International Emergency Rescue Equipment Exhibition.

The organisers praised the social responsibility shown by manufacturers, including Britain’s 255 JCB, which has previously donated machines for disaster relief.

Stand: EO.20

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