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ALLU’s D-Series Screener Crusher leads company’s INTERMAT display

Finnish company ALLU, which manufactures screener crusher attachments and stabilisation systems, will highlight its D-Series of screener crushers for fine screening and crushing/screening.
January 6, 2017 Read time: 2 mins
Allu D-Series Screener Crusher
ALLU’s new D –Series Screener Crusher for fine screening
Finnish company 2180 ALLU, which manufactures screener crusher attachments and stabilisation systems, will highlight its D-Series of screener crushers for fine screening and crushing/screening.

ALLU France is celebrating its tenth anniversary, while in 2011 ALLU Finland celebrated its 25th anniversary (the ALLU Screener Crusher was 20 years old).

While ALLU’s product range also consists of several attachments for wheel loaders and excavators, its main products are the ALLU Screener Crusher Attachment and Stabilisation System.

At INTERMAT 2009, the company launched the new D –Series Screener Crusher for fine screening, completing the series, which also includes models for screening and crushing that have been in the market for some years.

ALLU has inside and outside areas at Intermat 2012, and according to Kauko Pylväs, managing director from ALLU Finland: “Demos are a very important part of the ALLU concept, because people can see for themselves how the machine works. The concept is still quite new on the market and we have estimated that only 10–20% of the potential users know our product and its benefits.”

The company’s Stabilisation System for contaminated and soft soils, also highlighted, is said to be an alternative to traditional soil strengthening methods and is designed to improve soft soils by mixing a binder into clay, peat, mud or dredged sediments. The method can also be used to treat contaminated soils by encapsulating contaminants within the ground and preventing migration to the surrounding areas.

%$Linker: External 0 0 0 oLinkExternal Allu false false false%>

Hall: 6 Stand: L019

Demo Area: B004

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